
187 lines
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import dataclasses
import enum
import random
from lorem_text import lorem
from typing import Any, Iterable, Optional, Union, OrderedDict
from django.utils import timezone
from reportcreator_api.pentests.customfields.types import FieldDataType, FieldDefinition, FieldOrigin
from reportcreator_api.utils.utils import is_date_string, is_uuid
from reportcreator_api.utils.error_messages import format_path
def contains(a, b):
Checks if dict a contains dict b recursively
if not b:
return True
if type(a) != type(b):
return False
for k, v in b.items():
if k not in a:
return False
if isinstance(v, dict):
if not contains(a[k], v):
return False
elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
raise ValueError('Cannot diff lists')
elif v != b[k]:
return False
return True
def has_field_structure_changed(old: dict[str, FieldDefinition], new: dict[str, FieldDefinition]):
if set(old.keys()) != set(new.keys()):
return True
for k in old.keys():
field_type = old[k].type
if field_type != new[k].type:
return True
elif field_type == FieldDataType.OBJECT and has_field_structure_changed(old[k].properties, new[k].properties):
return True
elif field_type == FieldDataType.LIST and has_field_structure_changed({'items': old[k].items}, {'items': new[k].items}):
return True
elif field_type == FieldDataType.ENUM and set(map(lambda c: c.value, old[k].choices)) - set(map(lambda c: c.value, new[k].choices)):
# Existing enum choice was removed
return True
return False
class HandleUndefinedFieldsOptions(enum.Enum):
FILL_NONE = 'fill_none'
FILL_DEFAULT = 'fill_default'
FILL_DEMO_DATA = 'fill_demo_data'
def _default_or_demo_data(definition: FieldDefinition, demo_data: Any, handle_undefined: HandleUndefinedFieldsOptions):
if handle_undefined == HandleUndefinedFieldsOptions.FILL_NONE:
return None
elif handle_undefined == HandleUndefinedFieldsOptions.FILL_DEFAULT:
return definition.default
elif handle_undefined == HandleUndefinedFieldsOptions.FILL_DEMO_DATA:
return definition.default or demo_data
def ensure_defined_structure(value, definition: Union[dict[str, FieldDefinition], FieldDefinition], handle_undefined: HandleUndefinedFieldsOptions = HandleUndefinedFieldsOptions.FILL_DEFAULT, include_undefined=False):
Ensure that the returned data is valid for the given field definition.
Recursively check for undefined fields and set a value.
Returns only data of defined fields, if value contains undefined fields, this data is not returned.
if isinstance(definition, dict):
out = value if include_undefined else {}
for k, d in definition.items():
out[k] = ensure_defined_structure(value=(value if isinstance(value, dict) else {}).get(k), definition=d, handle_undefined=handle_undefined)
return out
if definition.type == FieldDataType.OBJECT:
return ensure_defined_structure(value,, handle_undefined=handle_undefined)
elif definition.type == FieldDataType.LIST:
if isinstance(value, list):
return [ensure_defined_structure(value=e, definition=definition.items, handle_undefined=handle_undefined) for e in value]
if handle_undefined == HandleUndefinedFieldsOptions.FILL_DEMO_DATA and definition.items.type != FieldDataType.USER:
return [ensure_defined_structure(value=None, definition=definition.items, handle_undefined=handle_undefined) for _ in range(2)]
return []
elif definition.type == FieldDataType.MARKDOWN and not isinstance(value, str):
return _default_or_demo_data(definition, lorem.paragraphs(3), handle_undefined=handle_undefined)
elif definition.type == FieldDataType.STRING and not isinstance(value, str):
return _default_or_demo_data(definition, lorem.words(2), handle_undefined=handle_undefined)
elif definition.type == FieldDataType.CVSS and not isinstance(value, str):
return _default_or_demo_data(definition, 'n/a', handle_undefined=handle_undefined)
elif definition.type == FieldDataType.ENUM and not (isinstance(value, str) and value in {c.value for c in definition.choices}):
return _default_or_demo_data(definition, next(iter(map(lambda c: c.value, definition.choices)), None), handle_undefined=handle_undefined)
elif definition.type == FieldDataType.COMBOBOX and not isinstance(value, str):
return _default_or_demo_data(definition, next(iter(definition.suggestions), None), handle_undefined=handle_undefined)
elif definition.type == FieldDataType.DATE and not (isinstance(value, str) and is_date_string(value)):
return _default_or_demo_data(definition,, handle_undefined=handle_undefined)
elif definition.type == FieldDataType.NUMBER and not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
return _default_or_demo_data(definition, random.randint(1, 10), handle_undefined=handle_undefined)
elif definition.type == FieldDataType.BOOLEAN and not isinstance(value, bool):
return _default_or_demo_data(definition, random.choice([True, False]), handle_undefined=handle_undefined)
elif definition.type == FieldDataType.USER and not (isinstance(value, str) or is_uuid(value)):
return None
return value
def check_definitions_compatible(a: Union[dict[str, FieldDefinition], FieldDefinition], b: Union[dict[str, FieldDefinition], FieldDefinition], path: Optional[tuple[str]] = None) -> tuple[bool, list[str]]:
Check if definitions are compatible and values can be converted without data loss.
path = path or tuple()
valid = True
errors = []
if isinstance(a, dict) and isinstance(b, dict):
for k in set(a.keys()).intersection(b.keys()):
res_valid, res_errors = check_definitions_compatible(a[k], b[k], path=path + tuple([k]))
valid = valid and res_valid
elif isinstance(a, FieldDefinition) and isinstance(b, FieldDefinition):
if a.type != b.type:
valid = False
errors.append(f'Field "{format_path(path)}" has different types: "{a.type.value}" vs. "{b.type.value}"')
elif a.type == FieldDataType.LIST:
res_valid, res_errors = check_definitions_compatible(a.items, b.items, path=path + tuple(['[]']))
valid = valid and res_valid
elif a.type == FieldDataType.ENUM:
missing_choices = {c.value for c in a.choices} - {c.value for c in b.choices}
if missing_choices:
valid = False
missing_choices_str = ', '.join(map(lambda c: f'"{c}"', missing_choices))
errors.append(f'Field "{format_path(path)}" has missing enum choices: {missing_choices_str}')
return valid, errors
def set_field_origin(definition: Union[dict[str, FieldDefinition], FieldDefinition], predefined_fields: Union[dict, FieldDefinition, None]):
Sets definition.origin recursively
if isinstance(definition, dict):
out = {}
for k, d in definition.items():
out[k] = set_field_origin(d, predefined_fields=predefined_fields.get(k) if predefined_fields else None)
return out
out = dataclasses.replace(definition, origin=getattr(predefined_fields, 'origin', FieldOrigin.CUSTOM))
if out.type == FieldDataType.OBJECT: = set_field_origin(, predefined_fields=getattr(predefined_fields, 'properties', None))
elif out.type == FieldDataType.LIST:
out.items = set_field_origin(out.items, predefined_fields=getattr(predefined_fields, 'items', None))
return out
def iterate_fields(value: Union[dict, Any], definition: Union[dict[str, FieldDefinition], FieldDefinition], path: Optional[tuple[str]] = None) -> Iterable[tuple[tuple[str], Any, FieldDefinition]]:
Recursively iterate over all defined fields
if not definition:
path = path or tuple()
if isinstance(definition, dict):
for k, d in definition.items():
yield from iterate_fields(value=(value if isinstance(value, dict) else {}).get(k), definition=d, path=path + tuple([k]))
# Current field
yield path, value, definition
# Nested structures
if definition.type == FieldDataType.OBJECT:
yield from iterate_fields(value=value or {},, path=path)
elif definition.type == FieldDataType.LIST:
for idx, v in enumerate(value if isinstance(value, list) else []):
yield from iterate_fields(value=v, definition=definition.items, path=path + tuple(['[' + str(idx) + ']']))